We are always looking for more Swimming Officials. Becoming a teamipswich Official is easy, and it's such a fun job with many benefits, including: 

  • You have a closeup of the action at competitions 
  • You become part of a really friendly community of volunteers
  • No queuing for you or your swimmers at Competitions 
  • You get free entry to any competition you volunteer for 
  • You get £5 off swimmer club fees every month (once you have completed 25 hours volunteering, and limited to one reduction per family). 
  • You get a free teamipswich Officials Polo shirt 
  • You get training that is refundable (so it won't cost you a penny) 
  • Complimentary Refreshments, including breakfasts, lunch, drinks and snacks

How to become a teamipswich Official in 10 easy steps 

  1. Contact our Official Coordinator, Stuart Lundy
  2. Gain approval from Stuart for your JL1 training costs to be paid for by teamipswich
  3. Sign up for Swim England - Club Support Membership - Click here for more
  4. Arrange with Stuart to attend an 'Official try-out session' at one of our meets.
  5. Complete the 'Swimming Technical Official - Judge 1 Theory' Online Course
  6. Upload your Certificate as described in the course instructions. (Note: Additional details below)  A few weeks later, you will receive a pack of information where you can log your practical pool experience.
  7. Share your proof of completion with Stuart Lundy, who will arrange your refund.
  8. Complete the Contemporary Issues Online Course
  9. Get your practical experience signed off regularly by one of our friendly Referees at each competition.
  10. Submit all your materials, and you're now a Judge Level 1

You can go on to complete further training, including

  • Judge Level 2
  • Starter (2S)
  • Referee

How to upload certificates

Judge 1 Online Learning Theory Next Steps 

If you are a member of Swim England or Swim Wales, you need to upload a copy of your certificate to https://swimmingresults.org

  • Register at https://swimmingresults.org/member_options/register.php, using the email address on your membership record 
  • Log in at https://swimmingresults.org/member_options 
  • Once logged in, select the following options within the website: 
  • To view or upload a copy of listed certificates to be added to your membership record select here 
  • To upload a new certificate select here
  • Use the Certificate Type drop down menu to choose Swimming J1 Theory
  • Select Certificate 
  • Select Choose File Add the date as shown on your certificate 
  • Select Upload Certificate 

If you are a member of Scottish Swimming, you need to upload a copy of your certificate via:


All Candidates: You are now ready to begin your mentored poolside practice. This will enable you to demonstrate that you can apply your knowledge in a poolside environment. You will receive your log book through the post and will be provided with contact details for your Officials Training Coordinator who will be able to make suggestions for gaining suitable poolside practice.

You will also need to complete the Contemporary Issues course before you can be issued with a licence.

Officials Dress Code

For all Level 3 and Level 4 meet:

  • Black/dark coloured shorts, leggings or trousers.
  • No ripped clothing or labelled if possible.
  • Plain White Shoes--trainers are preferable but suitable poolside shoes
  • No outside footwear is permitted.
Any new volunteers will receive the club polo shirts once training commences (teamipswich members only); otherwise, a plain white t-shirt or polo shirt should be worn. 
This dress code may differ for Level 1 or Level 2 events (Regional, National level and above); technical officials must always check the dress code at each meeting before attending.  

Backstroke Ledges

From March 2024, teamipswich has new Backstroke Ledges in use at all of its home galas.  Please use this 'How-To' video to use our ledges, including how to install them, and remove them carefully and safely.

Officials Resources

Official, Dress Code, JL1, JL2, JL2(S), Referee, backstroke, leddges